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Focus Feed
DBS Design Thinking
Yishun Hawker Centre
Semplice Pasta Packaging
Jalan Besar Playground


Anchor 1


These projects gave me the opportunity to learn from successful digital interfaces and apply those elements into my designs. I had to empathise with various user groups, and iterate upon their feedback to create the best user experience for them.

DBS Mockup 2.png

DBS Design Thinking

We re-designed DBS's design thinking website to boost community involvement and re-engagement for long-term employees.

Focus Feed

Focus Feed gamifies studying by making it an enriching activity to do with friends, receiving rewards as you reach your goals. With its design intentionally considering students with learning disabilities.

Untitled design (2).png

Jewel the Robot

Created for the gamer, Jewel is a desk cleaning & companion robot that keeps your setup in top shape and enhances your gaming experience.


These projects required me to intricately understand how the sites were currently being used by different demographics, in order to create new experiences that fit into those spaces. 

Jalan Besar Playground

We redefined how members of the community use the playground, to facilitate the bond between parents and children and blur the lines between exercise and play.

Playground Overview

Yishun Park Hawker Centre

Influenced by the nature from the adjacent Yishun Park, we reimagined the hawker centre to improve the accessibility and flow of customers.

Yishun Hawker
Oasis Render

Oasis@ NP

Drawing inspiration from the Blue Adonis Butterfly Egg, Oasis acts as a quarantine capsule or a quiet retreat for an overnight stay, sitting on Ngee Ann Polytechnic's pond. 

Graphic/ Product

These projects focused on hands-on construction and exploring various product and packaging forms, in order to communicate the experience I wanted to create for the users.

Semplice Packaging

Semplice Pasta Packaging

Designing the packaging and branding for a pasta brand that offers 6 meal
variations in one kit.

Lighting Shelf


Shelf-A-Glow serves as a modular storage unit and ambient lighting feature, giving the user control over displaying their belongings, on top of providing an edge to an otherwise dull room. 

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